Enter a Service Call


The Enter a Service Call option is used to enter service calls received for customer service contracts.

The additional fields’ values can be copied from one screen to another as long as name of the variable used for the additional field is the same in all screens.





ClosedEnter a Service Call Icons



Used to

Print (CTRL+P)

Print the work order form.

With the help of the icon’s dropdown menu, it is also possible to print, based on user permissions, the Service Call Control Report, either detailed or summary formats.

For more information on this report, consult the Service Call Validation Report help topic.

Display Documents Related to Project

Displays the documents stored in the Customer Documents linked to the project.

Calls for the Current Contract

Display, in the Calls for this contract tab, the calls of the contract, without regard to the work location.

NOTES: Calls displayed on screen may vary in accordance to the All Calls and Calls in Progress Only icons.

Please note that it is only possible to select one of the following two icons: Calls for the Current Contract or Calls for the current contract and location.

Calls for the Current Contract and Location

Display, in the Calls for this contract tab, only the calls linked with the work location. The location is indicated in the location section of the Service call.

NOTE: Calls displayed on screen may vary in accordance to the All Calls and Calls in Progress Only icons.

All Calls

Displays all calls including calls completed.

Calls in Progress Only

Displays only calls that are not completed.

Service Contract Inquiry

Access the Service Contract Inquiry.

For more information on this report, consult the Service Contract Inquiry help topic.

Search for an Address

Perform a quick search on the addresses from the following options:

  • Contract Management;
  • Customer Management;
  • Define Customer Addresses;
  • Contact Management.

NOTE: The address search is intended to facilitate the creation of a new call from a work address. If the address searched is found, maestro* will initiate the creation of a new call from the contract linked to the address found, if possible. If the address found does not correspond to an existing contract, maestro* will use the miscellaneous contract entered in the configuration to create the call.


Configure maestro* behaviour for the service call entry and determine the default values.

NOTE: These configurations are saved by user with the exception of the following option (which apply to all users):

  • Print work order after saving service call.

Only the non-self-explanatory icons or those with special features are defined in the table below.




maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Contract > Enter a Service Call


Create a call

  1. Enter the required information:

Fields followed by the * character are mandatory fields.




Contract Number*

Contract number from Contract Management and linked to the call.

Only contracts with an ACTIVE status are displayed in the search results.

NOTES: It is not possible to enter the call when :

  • the contract is a master contract;
  • the contract is expired;
  • the contract is on hold (except if the Service type even if the contract is suspended and Maintenance type even if the contract is suspended boxes are checked in the Contract Management option.
  • the contract is expired (except if the After the contract's expiration date box is checked in the Contract Management option. In this case, it will only be possible to enter a service type call, even if the contrat is expired.

Search by call number

Used to enter the call number directly.

The Contract, Details and Technical Details, located at the top of the window, display the information from Contract Management.

Contract tab particularity :

The date of the last visit is displayed on the screen as a function of the last Return From a Service Call for this contract. Maestro* calculates and displays the number of days elapsed since the last visit.

The Calls for this contract tab contains the calls attached to the selected contract number, depending on the choices made in the selection icons.

  1. Click the Accept icon to access the lower section.
  2. Enter the required information in the ClosedService Call tab:
  1. ClosedLocation section: This section displays the same address as that assigned to Customer Code in Contract Management, but it can be changed by selecting one of the choices of the combo box in the location.

This address applies only for the current call.





Location of the work for the call. Available values:


Allow you to enter a work address manually or select an existing alternate address.

NOTES: To enter a new alternate address, simply click on the ... symbol in the selection field and enter the address information.  All of the fields can be populated, except the address number, which is assigned by the system.

Alternate addresses are from the Alternate Address Management option.


Used to select an address associated with a contact in Contact Management.


Allows you use the address of the customer identified in the Customer Management.

NOTE: You can select another address for the same customer by selecting an address from Define Customer Addresses.

Contract Address

Displays the contract address.

  1. Details section: This section is used to enter information about what has been requested by the customer. This information can be viewed in the call entry, service contract inquiry, call back and invoice preparation screens. Text can be entered manually or be taken from Define Types of Visits by pressing the F7 key.

The text that is entered in the Details section will be displayed on the service call's Information page in maestro*MOBILE.

  1. Additional Information section: By clicking in this section, a window appears to allow the selection of additional information to be displayed. The information displayed will be refreshed automatically depending on:
    • the customer selected in the Customer Code field, if the source table chosen in the dropdown list is Customer;
    • the contract selected in the Contract Number field, if the source table chosen in the dropdown list is Contract.
  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedEmployees Assigned tab:

This tab is only displayed if the Type of Dispatch used, in the configuration option, is set to Service Dispatch.

In multidimensional mode, each prefix can have its own dispatch type.

This tab displays the names of the employees assigned to the call if a service dispatch has been done. Otherwise, it is possible to manually enter the employees to be assigned.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedDispatch tab:


This tab is only displayed if the Type of Dispatch used, in the configuration option, is set to Call Dispatch.

In multidimensional mode, each prefix can have its own dispatch type.

This tab displays the employees and equipment dispatched in the call, if a call dispatch has been done. Otherwise, it is possible to manually dispatch employees and equipment.

  1. Enter the required information in the Work Description tab, which is used to enter a description for the work to be carried out. Text can be entered manually or be taken from Define Types of Visits by pressing the F7 key.
  2. Enter the required information in the Technical Details tab, which is used to display notes entered in the technical details for maintenance contracts: The technical details can be changed manually in call entry to enter comments for the technician. This information can be printed on the work order. Text can be entered manually or be taken from Define Types of Visits by pressing the F7 key.

The text that is entered in the Technical Details section will be displayed on the service call's Information page in maestro*MOBILE.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedEquipment tab:

This tab displays all of the equipment defined in Contract Management. You can also check equipment that requires maintenance or repairs. This information can be used in Service Equipment Inquiry to display the list of calls on which equipment has been serviced or repaired.

Only active equipment will be displayed here. Equipment are considered Active when they meet the criteria listed under the Equipment tab of the Contract Management option:

  • There is no Effective Date OR there is an Effective Date, but it is prior or exactly the work date, AND;
  • There is no Inactivity Start Date OR there is an Inactivity Start Date, but it is later than the work date.




Equipment details

Used to identity the equipment on which the work is to be performed. Available values:


Equipment covered by the contract.

NOTE: The equipment code must be created in advance in Define Equipment Codes.


Number of pieces of equipment for the contract.

NOTE: Usually, the number is always 1 when serial numbers are generated.


Description of the selected equipment.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified because the information is taken from Define Equipment Codes.


Brand of the selected equipment.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified because the information is taken from Define Equipment Codes.


Used to enter the model of the equipment.


Used to enter the type of unit connected to the equipment.

Unit Type

Location of the equipment at the customer’s premises.

NOTE: The contents of this field can be printed on the maintenance work order from if configured this way.


Serial number of the equipment.

NOTE: The contents of this field can be printed on the maintenance work order from if configured this way.

Serial number

Displays the purchase order number used to purchase the equipment.

NOTE: This number is entered in the Equipment tab in Contract Management.

Order No.

You can view the order from one of the following options: Service Call Inquiry, Service Contract Inquiry or Service Equipment Inquiry. Simply double-click on the order number in the Equipment tab.


Displays the extension of the purchase order used to purchase equipment, if applicable.

Customer’s Ref. No

Customer’s equipment reference number.

NOTE: The contents of this field can be printed on the maintenance work order from if configured this way.

Sector Served

Sector served by equipment at the customer's premises.

NOTE: The contents of this field can be printed on the maintenance work order form is configured as such.


Warranty on the equipment. Available values:

Start Date

Warranty start date after purchase or when the equipment is replaced.

End Date Labour

Warranty end date on labour for each piece of equipment covered in the contract.

End Date Material

Warranty end date on parts for each piece of equipment covered in the contract.

NOTE: When entering a call or call back, the system warns the user that the equipment in the contract is under warranty.

  1. The Quotations tab displays information related to the quotations created through the current service call.

The Quotations tab is only displayed if the Service Quotation option is activated in maestro*.

  1. The Modifications tab catalogues all changes made in a certain service call fields. The tab displays the name of the modified field, its original value, its new value, the name of the user who modified it, as well as the date and time it was modified.
  2. Enter the required information in the Call Script tab: This tab displays the questions to ask the customer based on the call script selected in the Call Script Type field.
  3. Click Save.

If in the configuration of the window, the user has activated the function Display the Dispatch confirmation screen, maestro* displays a confirmation window: Enter Call’s Dispatch. The window displays the information according to the data entered in the call (technician, time required and expected time). The user must confirm the entry by pressing the Save (F12) icon or make corrections, if required.

In the case where the technician was not entered in the call but a skill was indicated, maestro* displays a choice of employees with the call’s required skill.


See also


Last modification: February 27, 2025